Category: Illinois
Hits: 2027

From: T Price <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>

9:07 AM (17 minutes ago)

To: Gove, Darren <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>

Dear Mr. Gove:


Thank you for your response to my inquiry. Since you did not provide electronic links directing me

to where I can view the documents or email them to me as I requested, I need additional time to

request the documents under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) as you suggested under your

process. It is unusual that your agency does not make documents that are out for public comment

readily available for viewing during public comment periods and that you require the public to go

through the FOIA process just to view the documents. That extra step that you require, in many

cases defeats the community involvement process. Therefore please extend the public comment

period by 15 days to allow me time to go through the FOIA process to obtain the documents and

review them. 


Sincerely yours, Tom Price-Director, Environmental Review, Inc. 1792 Rogers Ave, San Jose, CA 



Gove, Darren <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>

May 14

to EPA.ContactUs, me

Mr. Price,


The Antidegradation factsheet is posted here:

Additional documents are available through the Agency’s FOIA process with information obtained

here :


Also please better explain your need for an extended time frame for this project’s public notice.


Darren Gove

Division of Water Pollution Control, Permit Section

Illinois EPA

1021 N. Grand Ave. East

PO Box 19276

Springfield, IL 62794-9276

ph. 217/782-0610

fax 217/785-1225


From: EPA.ContactUs
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 7:43 AM
To: Gove, Darren <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Subject: FW: [External] Attn: Darren Grove, Illionois EPA; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Project,

Discharge Location: Near Olmstead in SW 1/4 of Section 18 of Township 15S, Range 2E of the 3rd P.M.

in Pulaski County. Name of Receiving Water: Ohio River Project Desc


FYI, don’t think this made it to you.


T Price <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>

9:07 AM (4 minutes ago)

to Darren

Dear Mr. Gove:


Thank you for your response to my inquiry. Since you did not provide electronic links directing me to where I can view the documents or email them to me as I requested, I need additional time to request the documents under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) as you suggested under your process. It is unusual that your agency does not make documents that are out for public comment readily available for viewing during public comment periods and that you require the public to go through the FOIA process just to view the documents. That extra step that you require, in many cases defeats the community involvement process. Therefore please extend the public comment period by 15 days to allow me time to go through the FOIA process to obtain the documents and review them. 


Sincerely yours, Tom Price-Program Mgr., Environmental Review, Inc. 1792 Rogers Ave, San Jose, CA  95112