Category: Tennessee
Hits: 1947

 To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Caitlin Elam, Tennessee Department of Transportation Suite 900, James K. Polk Building 505 Deaderick Street Nashville, TN  37243

 Dear Ms. Elam et. al.:

 Environmental Review, Inc. has reviewed the document, we have the following comments:  

1)      The Public Notice for this project is inadequate. Only the file number of the project is listed in the header of the public notice and a description of the project is absent. Please reissue the Public Notice with a descriptive title for example “Proposed Widening of 2.2 Miles of SR115 to Six Lanes and Associated Demolition by Blasting of Bridges and Improvements…” and extend the public comment period by 30 days in order to foster community involvement.


2)      Attached to the main document is a letter from the State of Tennessee, Department of Transportation, Environmental Division dated April 27, 2017:


a.       At page 8 Figure 8 shows a typical section for guardrails, those structures should be assessed for heavy metals including lead from lead based paint and if present wooden guardrail posts should be assessed for hazardous substances associated with treated wood including metals, semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs), and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). 


b.      At page 13 the section of hazardous materials discussed that if the bridges were modified or grinded upon, an asbestos survey would be required. That should be expanded to include surveys for lead based paint (LBP) on the structures, paint flakes in soils below the bridges, and in sediments below the bridges. 


c.       At page 13 the section of hazardous materials should add a provision for conducting a survey for aerially deposited lead (ADL) from historical usage of leaded gasoline in automobiles travelling along the route. 


d.      In the event that the survey for hazardous substances shows significant levels of contaminants,  a soil management plan (SMP) should be prepared to appropriately handle those materials including disposal procedures, and a health and safety plan (HSP) to protect worker safety. 


e.       Since the bridges may be demolished using blasting, surveys should be conducted for hazardous substances and if present, those should be removed prior to blasting to prevent spreading of contaminants across the general area.

When responses to these comments are available, please send those to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Sincerely yours, Tom Price-Director, Environmental Review, Inc. 1792 Rogers Ave, San Jose, CA  95112,