From: Thomas Price <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> 6-7-17
Craig Osbourne (in care of This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
SW District Office
401 E. 5th Street
Dayton, Ohio 45402
Dear Mr. Osbourne:
Environmental Review, Inc. reviewed the public notice for this project on your website; I have the following comments:
1) The Public Notice should include your email address. I am sending this to Craig Osborne in care of the clerk email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please include your email address on future public notices. Since I am unsure if you will receive this email, I am also sending a copy to you via the postal service.
2) Please forward this email (or leter) to the director of your agency and let them know that I would like to request that all public notices issued by this agency include email addresses on them for the project managers of the projects. Apparently only telephone numbers of project managers are currently listed.
3) I followed the instructions to view project information at the link provided on the notice. When I entered a search query for permit number P0122716 at the following information came up:
07-JUN-2017 12:08PM APEX_PUBLIC_USER 999 Stars2 Reports 10Electronic Copies of Issued Permits15 -All- -All- -All- P0122716 -All- 03-75-00-0095 AIRSTREAM, INC. 419 West Pike Street Jackson Center OH 45334 Shelby Permit-To-Install Administrative modification permit to update the facility's calculated potential to emit HAPs, VOC and OC; increase the allowable coating application rate to 3 gallons per hour at the window booth (K006); and limit the booths yearly operating hours. Draft Issuance Admin mod P0122716 05/22/2017 1560767
0.25pt 0.25pt start 2 0.0pt preserve 0.0pt 0.0pt 0.0pt 0.0pt 2 left center right right 5.4pt 5.4pt 5.4pt 23.4pt 13.872pt 5.4pt 5.4pt #000000 Helvetica false 12pt normal #000000 Helvetica false 12pt normal 12.0pt Helvetica false 8pt normal 13.872pt 8pt Helvetica false 8pt normal .20pt solid #000000 .20pt solid #000000 .20pt #000000 solid .20pt #000000 solid #efefef #000000 5.15pt top 0.0pt 5.15pt 1 0.0pt 0.0pt #9bafde #ffffff
The available information which I pulled up on your online database (as shown above) is brief and cryptic; that information is unsuitable for conducting a technical review of project documents. Please let me know if there are additional documents available for viewing on your database.
4) If project documents are not available on your database and available for public viewing, please post them so that they can be viewed.
5) Please make the documents available for viewing online. If that is not possible, please request the director of your agency to do that. If the documents cannot be made available for online viewing please send them to me via email.
Sincerely yours, Tom Price - Director, Environmental Review, Inc. P.O. Box 2756, Berkeley, CA 94702