Galvanizers Company, Portland, Oregon-Request for Extension of Public Comment Period
Message body
Dear Mr. Price,
DEQ has received your request, dated March 21, 2017, to extend the public comment period for the renewal of Galvanizer Inc Simple Air Contaminant Discharge Permit. The comment period for this permitting action was scheduled to close yesterday, March 22, 2017. The current comment period included an additional 10 days for comments beyond the 30 day period required by rule. At this time, DEQ is unable to accommodate your request.
I encourage you to sign-up for DEQ’s Gov Delivery service for public notices by clicking the green e-mail emblem at the following link and completing the form:
The Gov Delivery Service will notify you via e-mail when new public notices are posted. Please let me know if you have any difficulties signing up or have additional questions.
Michael R. Orman, E.I.T.
Air Quality Section Manager, Northwest Region
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
700 NE Multnomah St., Suite 600
Portland, OR 97232
Tel: (503) 229-5160
Cel: (503) 793-9635
Thomas Price <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> 3-21-17 To:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To Whom it May Concern:
Please extend the public comment period, I need additional time to review the documents.
Sincerely yours, ELECTRONIC REVEIW FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, INC. By: Tom Price, Director P.O. Box 2756 Berkeley, CA 94702 |